#stop being ratchet
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rubixcuby · 10 months ago
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nova-lunosi · 1 year ago
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Stop being ratchet
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soulsoffairlight · 1 year ago
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LMAOOO A shitpost gift for @nightmaremp because this image of lips reminds me of that one 'STOP BEING RATCHET' meme with the cat 💀💀💀💀
WereLion Lips design belong to them!!! Their au is awesome go check em out
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keferon · 8 months ago
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…..I should be working rn but one of the songs in my playlist hit harder than usual so
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anbaisai · 3 months ago
don’t think I didn’t see those tags
woe thread orange cat ace be upon ye
I've been SAYING like he's been orange cat coded since day 1 I'm so glad the agenda is spreading
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2nd one is him opening the fridge in the middle of the night to steal tart again and seeing a camera
(1st one's reference is this)
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mrmeepsmadmind · 3 months ago
Metalhawk: bro stop calling my people NAILS
Starscream: if you tase me im gonna make u my dead wife istg
Wheeljack: why do your optics turn separate directions whenever i mention the word 'plan'.
Ratchet: yeah i have arthritis so idc if i die tbh :/
rodimus: im buying an rv and me and all these strangers (who like me more than u, not that it matters ) (im hot) are gonna * EXPLODES EVERYONE *
wheeljack, in the middle of discussing a very elaborate pain-staking plan:... ... something just exploded & i wasn't the cause 😢...
needlenose: i sure love my big dumb evil husband. sure hope a disgruntled little popcorn kernel doesn't detonate a bomb in his head
Wheeljack: fuck my life
Starscream: i love lying, so, naturally-- im gonna become a politician.
ironhide: i saw the hat man
the intelligent Bumble (bee):
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madcoincidence · 3 months ago
The Bioengineer's Cybertronian Knight
Ratchet's younger life was a pretty normal one with only a few small ups and downs. Before all the chaos with the Quintessons, he had been the youngest to finish top of his classes and receive his Bioengineering PhD. He was strongly encouraged to further his education and thanks to his roommate at the time, it wasn't long before he returned to do just that. He had almost lost the dumbass when their apartment's designated research room exploded. He never wanted to relive that feeling of helplessness he had while cradling Jackie's bloody shrapnel dusted face in his lap. Only able to wait for help while trying to keep pressure on the gushing wound from Jackie's thigh, it was a real bad time. After that he worked hard to earn the next step up from Bioengineering. He gained a Biomedical Engineering PhD while soaking up the training needed to do field triage. By the time he had finished everything, Jackie had fully recovered and finished building a much larger lab for them as an apology to Ratchet for destroying all their belongings.
"Level four. Bleeding has stopped and a safe neural link disconnection from the mecha is done. Give him oxygen and keep track of how long it takes for him to regain consciousness." Ratchet motions for his team to move in and lift the pilot out to their transport. Ratchet doesn't join his team, stabilizing and disconnecting the pilot from the mecha suit was just step one of twenty-seven. His focus now shifts to shutting down the Mecha to stop the over heated frame and sparking wires from causing an explosion.
While he works his multitasking brain shifts back to thinking over his life choices, ranting and banter has always helped steady his hands. Jackie was a hazard to limbs but still not the worst to be around. No, that could go to Roddy and his meddling. The menace had tried setting him up with many blind dates. Thanks to him there was one blind date that few know of and wouldn't dare bring up if they value their vocal cords. The ones who do know of it have started calling it ‘the one night-’ Ratchet clicks his tongue with a heavy sigh as electricity and hot sparks fly and pop all around him. It laps against his gloved hands and hits his visor with snapping sizzles. Just as good ol’ Jackie promised, the suit is able to withstand whatever a seriously damaged Mecha can dish out. Unless it's an explosive level of damage, the suit can absorb or dispel the electrical current and heat. Ratchet wrangles a handful of the sparking stripped wires that are swaying above his head as he swipes through the smoking control panel. He forces override codes making the suit start the shutdown protocols as he goes.
He drifts back to mentally ranting while the metal frame around him pings and creaks. Nah, compared to both Jackie and Roddy, Jazz and his mecha suit had to be the biggest migraine starter pack. That maniac tests Ratchet's skills almost daily, on and off the field. How many times has he saved Jazz's life? Too many times. Jazz is a devil of chaos in that mecha suit, always doing down right suicidal stunts anytime an opportunity strikes. Ratchet has personally worked with Jackie on Jazz's mecha to make sure the kid wouldn't end up frying himself or slip further into insanity. Still with all the care put into that mecha, Jazz's sanity is still debatable.
Yeah… keeping everyone sane and healthy is something that feeds into Ratchet's sleepless nights. He knows better than to think he can save everyone, he was never that naive. Still the harsh reality of how fragile life is hit hard and fast at the beginning of the Quintesson war. Those memories are buried deep down with the first prototypes of mecha suites. Despite everything, Ratchet still refuses to give up on anyone, he'll do everything in his power to save anyone in his care. The small moments during down time, when he catches people smiling, singing, and laughing with friends thought lost to this war, helps make the nightmares just a bit easier to endure.
Ratchet stands up and swipes broken glass off his knees before grabbing the strap to his satchel. With the Mecha safely disabled Ratchet shrugs the strap over a shoulder and starts climbing out of the cockpit to start scanning the area for any more downed pilots. Being in the mecha had muffled the ear splitting screeches and roars of battle. Outside the mecha, everything echoed and rumbled through the hills and gullies, shaking the ground and trees. The trees where the bulk of the fight is happening have caught fire, turning the sky a hazy gray with a reddish orange hue. The fight has fallen closer to city limits but still hasn't reached what the commanders would call a, ‘panic level threat’ to start evacuation efforts. That, like many things, is not something Ratchet agrees with.
From his position on the Mecha's chest, Ratchet narrows his eyes to try and see through the smoke better. He spots specks of red light flickering from a gully to his left. It's close enough to him and his team that he can make out a mecha shaped form at the bottom, “Aid! Fix! With me! Everyone else, start hooking this up to the transport!” Ratchet yells above the noise while he climbs down the Mecha and hops off to the ground when close enough. Satisfied that his team immediately starts moving as soon as he gives orders, Ratchet starts jogging with Aid and Fix right behind him. “We need to move fast. I spotted a downed Mecha past that hill. Don't know how long it's been there. Since we haven't seen any mecha close to us while working, I am going to assume it's been a while.” Ratchet grips the strap to his satchel as he picks up the pace. The lights he saw means the mecha is still functional but no movement tells him the pilot is injured or worse.
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As they catch their breath, Ratchet scans the gully to find the best way down, “Ratchet, sir... this is a really steep climb down. Let's find another way. Trying would be way too risky.” Fix rasps out as he wipes his forehead with his sleeve. Aid makes a wheezing noise while hunched over, hands on his knees. The smoke and soot is not doing their lungs any favors. 
“This thing stretches for miles. Quickest way is to climb down. Don't like it, stay up here.” Ratchet coughs to clear his throat as he squats down to look over the edge. At the bottom of the gully, laying on its side in murky pink tinted water is the damaged mecha. The lights he had spotted from before are coming from what seems to have been a space ship. From what Ratchet can see of the remains, it doesn't resemble a Quintesson transport vessel. Hard to say though since it's scattered everywhere. Some of the shredded debris is embedded into the walls of the gully. Larger pieces are scattered all around the mecha. Ratchet swings his legs over the edge and start climbing down. He ignores Fix's pleas and calls up to Aid, “Call for the mecha transporter. If the mecha is stable enough to be moved, it might be safer to keep the pilot inside the cockpit.”  The two wheeze and mumble above him but he catches the click and static screech of a field radio turning on.
 As Ratchet climbs down he glances over his shoulder now and then trying to see what he's working with. He notices a lot of damage to the plating on the mecha's arms, chest, and back. Possible damage to the cockpit has Ratchet taking the risk of using less sturdier holds for his hands and feet. Ratchet notes that the weird pink color in the water is coming from the deep gashes and holes littering the mecha's frame. The larger pieces of debris that Ratchet thought were from the ship turns out to be chunks of Quintessons. Ratchet exhales, steadying his nerves as he continues the climb down. When he deems it close enough, he clears the rest of the way by sliding down into the water with a splash. Thankfully it's only knee deep.
After fixing his strap and giving a dry cough, Ratchet pulls out his infamous wrench from the satchel and takes a step forward. The muddy bottom sucks his boots back down with every step forward, “Kid better be alive.” Ratchet mutters to himself, not wasting any more time he works his way towards the mecha. His breath catches when he sees how detailed the mecha's face is. Its lips are pulled into a tight thin-lined frown and the eyebrows are pinched together, creasing the area between its closed eyes. Like it can feel the wounds while unconscious, so expressive…. Ratchet shakes off that trail of thought before it can get started, “Pilots skipping face shields and visors for their mecha's now? Is this where the money is being wasted? Mecha used for commercials and toys shouldn't be out on the field. Wait till I get you out kid. If all of this was a stupid publicity stunt, you'll wish the Quintessons finished you off.”
He tightens his hold on the wrench as he makes it to the chest plates. His heart is pounding just a little faster but he continues to ignore all the red flags saying something is off about this mecha. If there's a chance there's someone in there, then he needs to try to save them. Besides, he has that gut feeling that he's needed here and that gut feeling has never failed him yet, “hot… but not a, going to blow up right now, kind of hot.” Ratchet mumbles as he slowly, barely, ghosts his gloved fingers tips over where the cockpits emergency release panel should be, “Not helpful kid. How am I supposed to get to you if I can't find the medical override..” He swears he saw a clawed finger twitch inside his peripheral vision. The weird muffled whirling noise coming from its chest picks up.
“Ratchet move!!” Aid and Fix scream out from above. Ratchet turns his head towards them then to the heavy thwumps and splashes from behind the mecha's frame. Ratchet curses and waves a hand for them to back away from the ledge and stay down. He grips the wrench in both hands and presses his back into the Mecha's chest plating. Very familiar blood chilling, high pitched chitters and low hisses start surrounding him. Tentacles slide around and on the mecha, moving past the frame closer to Ratchet. He doesn't dare breathe as one comes extremely close to touching his foot.
Many things happen in the next few minutes. Sounds of shifting plates and a whirr chur noise comes from behind him. He ends up falling back into the water as the surface he was pressed against moves away way too fast to follow. Ratchet's cool blue eyes dart up to catch sight of a Quintesson with a mecha sized gun down its throat. Ratchet is barely able to register that before being drenched in muddy water and Quintessons blood as it rains down on him. He scrambles to clear his visor as chunks of the alien continues to hit the water. 
When he can see again he looks to his sides then up. The mecha is crouched above him, one knee had been very close to squishing him. The mecha tosses the gun to the side and this time the knee blocks Ratchet from the splash. Water with the weird pink liquid drizzles off the mecha as it grabs another Quintesson by the tentacles and yanks it towards them. Ratchet scoots back and stumbles to his feet as the mecha doesn't hesitate to sink it's claws into the Quintesson's head and lower jaw. With a stomach flipping roar, the towering being above him rips the jaw off and throws it aside like it did with the gun. Ratchet yells out as he is soaked once again, his suit is well past being comfortable anymore. Burning red eyes land on Ratchet for a split second before growing staticy, the mechanical being gives a sharp wince. The red static quickly becomes a solid but dimmer red as the mecha turns its upper torso to focus on the next charging Quintesson.
- - - - - - - - -
Ratchet definitely can't ignore the ‘this is not a mecha’ warnings anymore. Weird destroyed spaceship, red flag. Weird pink fluid leaking from the mecha, definitely not oil or lubricant, red flag. Mecha vocalizing through a moving mouth and showing hints of pain, big red flag. The moment the Quintessons are dealt with the, not piloted by a human but very much mecha looking being, falls back onto their side. When the shaking from the large being's fall settles Ratchet had finished processing everything. Right now to Ratchet, the only thing that matters is they're hurt and Ratchet may be able to help them. Ratchet trudges through the water towards the mechanical being as they give a static filled rumble, “Hush, you did enough. Thank you.” Ratchet places his palm on their cheek. He rubs the warm metal as he tries to sooth them. He watches as the eye watching him darts to the edge of the gully where his teammates are yelling at him to be careful, “It's ok kid we're getting you out of here. Focus on me. Only me." The rumbles trickle away as the intense red glow shrinks back onto Ratchet. It flickers a few more times, then slowly dims till it's completely off. A lid slides over the eye closing with a soft click, “I've got you.” Ratchet promises switching the pets to a pat. He starts planning out how he'll fit the mecha into his quarters back at base. Jackie can help him move around his sitting area.
*** *** ***
So I realized I didn't start with how Ratchet and Deadlock met in the TF Mecha Universe. I just hopped straight into the mushy stuff. @keferon 's TF Mecha Universe has given me a spark of creativity again. So thank you Keferon for starting this chaos! It's beautiful. I am looking forward to writing this fanfic, it has quickly stolen all of my attention. Anyways, I hope this was enjoyable to read! Keferon has been overflowing with tons of wonderful asks, so I though I could make it a bit easier on them by figuring out how to post this fanfic on here. Let's see what I can do.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years ago
Ratchet expresses more Functionist beliefs on-screen than Pharma ever does send tweet
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crowbotss · 1 month ago
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Yall aren't gonna believe this.... theres this show, thats kinda like Transformers—insane i know—BUT GET THIS.... its about ponies and friendship and magic..... its really obscure u prolly havent heard of it.....
(ehem, some wingless versions below so you can actually see the pony under all those feathers,,,)
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singingcicadas · 1 year ago
idw Ratchet is someone who follows orders and respects authority. He might follow his conscience in spur-of-the-moment decisions that allows him the leeway/initiative to act on his own (e.g. setting up clinic on Dead End, breaking cover to save Verity and Hunter, going to look for Drift, voting against Rodimus in mtmte) but he's never openly defied the orders of an acting leader. Regardless if he doesn't agree with said order and thinks it's stupid. Or wrong.
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Even when Ratchet thinks Rodimus' treatment of Drift is unfair, he never speaks up against Rodimus during the actual issue of the exile verdict. He only offers Drift silent support by helping him up on the way out, because Rodimus is the captain and you don't argue with the captain. Yes he thinks Rodimus is a crap captain and acts condesending towards him all the time but when it comes to rank and orders there's no ambiguity.
Voting against Rodimus in the crisis act is a legitimate expression of disapproval, made anonymously in private. He doesn't care about Rodimus knowing his vote, but in public it stays anonymous. He does tell Rodimus off about what he did to Drift, but again, he makes sure it's a private one-on-one appointment. He also doesn't make Rodimus formally revoke Drift's exile or sanction his search, he resigns his position as CMO and quietly leaves to look for Drift himself as a personal commitment.
Common stereotype of what Ratchet is not:
Medic ethics and commitment to patients comes first, factions be damned. I don't care if he's a Decepticon, he's my patient.
No he's not actually like that? When Megatron's in custody he's all lets dissect him awwwww why can't we dissect him why does mass murderers still get rights that's so stupid can't I just torture him a little?
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Like he spent the whole war patching up Decepticon-inflicted wounds and witnessing Decepticon-inflicted deaths. He's not a saint. He has as much good reason to hate Megatron and his faction as any other Autobot.
In fact he was pretty eager to ask Optimus about what he's going to decide as Megatron's punishment after he heard about Optimus frying Megatron on the voltage harness.
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Optimus has his heart on clemency. Ratchet's the one hoping for execution or something equally nasty. Even though their opinions doesn't line up, Ratchet's still 100% supportive of Optimus' decision.
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He repairs Megatron only because of Bumblebee's orders, and makes his unwillingness known.
Later in mtmte Ratchet does save Megatron's life of his own volition and repairs him again, but that's after he's lived with Megatron on the same ship for six months (again something that he considers to be a colossally bad idea but is forced to live with because of orders) and got to know him as a person. Not because of bleeding heart syndrome.
Also Ratchet's not just a grouch all the time. He can be blunt but also knows when to be respectful as appropriate to the occasion. He reprimands Wheeljack for being disrespectful to Bumblebee because leaders should be treated like leaders.
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The guy's been CMO since Nominus Prime, essentially the highest-ranking of his profession on the planet; you can't get to that type of position and hold it through consecutive leaders for millions of years without considerable interpersonal skills and knowledge of social protocol.
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Prowl does have Ratchet on his little blacklist but the stuff on there really just refers to Ratchet saving Verity and Hunter back in Infilitration. I read it as more of a testament to Prowl's pettiness than Ratchet actually being a problem.
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quibbs126 · 28 days ago
So I was thinking about how I like this one trope of a former antagonist joining the good guy team, only to find the team is honestly kind of a bunch of idiots and somehow becomes the responsible member of the group. I’m not sure where I’ve seen it, but I feel like I have and I like it
And then I decided “okay but what if I made this Megatron” and so now I’m telling you about this
I’m gonna say the setup is similar to Animated, where the original Autobot-Decepticon War ended a long time ago, and our protagonists, including Optimus, were born after the war, but not Megatron, who led the Decepticons. The Autobots and Megatron meet in some way, they crash land on Earth, same deal. And Megatron fights them initially, but eventually he decides to stop and even join up with this group of Autobots
I haven’t figured out the exact reason why, but it probably has to do with the war and the Decepticons being in exile for so long. Like at this point he’s lost the fire and hatred he had during the war and he just can’t find it in himself to continue, even if he feels the need to. That and possibly, he can’t really bring himself to hate these particular Autobots, who unlike the old Autobots he fought, haven’t really done anything to wrong him other than defend themselves and wear the Autobot symbol, which at this point any bot from Cybertron would
But yeah, he has a redemption of sorts and joins the group. I want to say this happens relatively early on in the story? Like he’s definitely part of the group by the end of this hypothetical Season 1. The villains for the rest of the story would be either other Decepticons who don’t share Megatron’s desire to simply stop the fighting, and/or a new group of Decepticons that have risen up from the ashes of the original to cause trouble for Cybertron once again
I’m thinking that maybe while Megatron doesn’t have much beef with the Autobot team he’s currently with, he might have more ire for the older ones he did fight during the war, particularly including whoever’s running the Autobots at this point. He probably also isn’t the nicest guy, considering he’s the former Decepticon warlord, but he’s working on it, or at least isn’t terrible
I also think it’d be juicy if in this scenario, we did still have a thing like in TFA Season 2 where the Autobot higher ups do come in and context the Earth Autobots, only for Lord Megatron himself to also be here, and seemingly part of their team. Especially if this is at a point in the story when Megatron’s proven himself to the team and saved their lives, and he’s a valuable member, but it’s kind of hard to explain to someone who wasn’t there. Also he’s being aggressive with the higher ups, which is not helping
And I’m coming back to this now after work, since I was writing this during break, and I don’t quite remember what else I was going to say, so I’ll just leave it here
Admittedly it probably isn’t that much different from other canon Megatron redemption stories, apart from the fact that nobody here really has history with him (though I think that could partially apply to Lost Light as well? Like I know he knew some of them, but I think most of the crew he’s not met or fought personally). But you know, it was a thought and I thought it sounded neat
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keferon · 7 months ago
*clasps your shoulders gently and looks you straight in the eye*
Keferon. Please read Ninth by Kyn on AO3. I think you would love it very much. It has a large chapter count, but don't be intimidated, it's very easy to get into. It is currently unfinished, but is being updated regularly.
You are the seventh person that recommended this fic to me so ahahahaha yeah
I’m doing great Help I hate some parts of it but I love the other parts I’m spinning in the blender
…..I made the moodboard….
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#chapter 37#of 120 or something#I must be like 90k words in haha#large word count is not an intimidation. It’s an invitation haha#I love the fics that I can’t read in just one hour:)#I gotta say I don’t enjoy the concept of making robots into organic life#it’s just my preference#seeing them as humans or animals or whatever feels so fucking wrong#the concept itself drives me off#like. Strongly#But at the same time. This fic isn’t about them being ‘haha cute organics’#it’s ‘oh god. I was turned into something I’m not’#instead of teeheee they’re fluffy#it’s please free me from this fucking nightmare. please let me be myself again.#idk how to explain. I resonate I guess#it often feels very disturbing but the characters are also disturbed#So now I’m kind of stuck reading this fic because I just can’t stop lol#just politely skipping the parts that make me too uncomfortable#also#the body horror is….damn. Impressive. I didn’t expect to read about grotesque fleshy creature turning itself inside out#it’s not even aesthetic or symbolic#it literally looks like a fucking nightmare. Which is impressive also.#the flesh is g r o s s#the beginning got me struggling and skipping#but the intermission is currently ruining my sleep schedule#oh fuck….I usually send my posts to the authors of the fics I read…..but I feel like I might offend the author of Ninth if do this……..#there’s a tiny chance they’re following me….if it’s true then I wanna tell I’m sorry pls don’t take this seriously#your fic got me waay out of my comfort zone#huge points for writing Ratchet. Drift in this fic is…the grossest fucking thing I could probably imagine but Ratchet doesn’t even hesitate#he helps him and he cares for him. Which is…..imma be real my first instinct would be to set Drift on fire to end his misery
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midnighticee · 2 months ago
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I don't think i ever actually posted these BUT here are some lil robot guys I've stitched the last two months
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blighted-lights · 10 months ago
let's play a game of how many times can i draw first aid and ravage holding hands before i actually have to sit down and write the fic that justifies them holding hands. hand and paw. servos. whatever.
i've got an entire sketch page of it rn and the only person who has any context for it is @cmofirstaid, its so funny 😭
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navree · 2 years ago
it's fodder for excellent drama but let's admit it, hush and war games and identity crisis and under the red hood all happening in relatively close succession is insanely funny. just bruce speedrunning the worst fucking 365 days of his life. they should release a compilation book of all four and just title it 'batman and the terrible horrible no good very bad year'
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0m0-0m0 · 1 year ago
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This cat represents me in ways you could never understand.
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